Catalyst Magazine
In 2024, I had the privilege of being elected as one of the editors of Catalyst, RMIT University’s student union magazine, in its milestone 80th year. Known for its experimental approach to design, the publication offered endless opportunities for creative exploration and editorial innovation.

For the first issue of the year, launching during university orientation, we aimed to connect with the influx of international students arriving in Melbourne. Inspired by the city's rich culture and vibrant art scene, we crafted an edition that captured its essence—rightly titled Off to a Street St-art.

Few spreads that I designed for the issue
To reflect the essence of Melbourne’s graffiti culture, I designed a new masthead for the year, which was later adapted across various formats and themes:

cover designed by Sisi Akarapichet (left) and me (right) using the masthead.
Nest (80.3)

The third issue, Nest, is my personal favorite as it explores the multi-faceted concept of home. Here are some of the pieces I designed and wrote for this edition.